"Kadang-kadang ALLAH sembunyikan matahari, DIA datangkan hujan petir. Kita bersedih dan tertanya tanya ke mana hilangnya matahari, rupa-rupanya ALLAH nak hadiahkan kita pelangi yang indah. ALLAH berikan kita kesusahan dan rintangan sebab DIA nak berikan kesenangan sekiranya kita tabah dan terus berusaha..."


Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Fun Google Tag

Joanne passing me this tag. A challenge for me to answer it..Let me try ya!
"The rules are simple. Use Google Image to search the answers to the questions below. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of the results, and post it as your answer. After that tagged 7 people."

1. The age of my next birthday

2. A place I'd like to travel to

3. A favourite place

4. A favourite thing

5. A favourite food

6. A favourite colour

7. The city I live in.

8. The city I was born in

9. A nickname I had

10. College Major

11. Name of first (and only) lover

12. A bad habit

13. A hobby

14. Current wish list (max. 3 items)

Now, I wish to pass the tag to:


MommyAngel said...

Oh ... I saw my name accidentally here :) Thanks for the tag ya :)

But I don't understand .... what is your bad habit??? Staying in toilet for too long???

Sarah's Daddy and Mommy said...

First of all, thanks Sha for answering the tag. Is interesting right?
- Yes, I also have the same question here...What is your bad habit ya?
- You also like fast food hor..Me too..
Your nice name is so cute!

Sha@Mama TinaAzra said...

Caroline - welcome..do it ya..its interesting

Joanne - welcome..the tag is interesting to do even bit difficult but fun.
-that nickname I get while in uni..
-fast food..thats for sure..love it

Joanne and caroline - my bad habit is..I dont like to bath early when offday and weekend. Just bath early if wnna go out only. If not petang baru I mandi..hehehe...

Kristie said...

sha, thanks, i've actually already completed this tag, u can check out mine here: http://kristieblog.blogspot.com/2008/12/fun-google-tag.html

oh u want a bb boy.. gd luck ya :)


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