"Kadang-kadang ALLAH sembunyikan matahari, DIA datangkan hujan petir. Kita bersedih dan tertanya tanya ke mana hilangnya matahari, rupa-rupanya ALLAH nak hadiahkan kita pelangi yang indah. ALLAH berikan kita kesusahan dan rintangan sebab DIA nak berikan kesenangan sekiranya kita tabah dan terus berusaha..."


Monday, December 22, 2008

Kasut Baru, MP Pants Baru & Height Chart

MamyPoko Pants Baru untuk Tina.. tapi belum try lagi pun..ala..biasanya MamyPoko memang ok..tak payah nak risau-risau..

3 Pasang Kasut Baru Dari shoes.com.my

Baby Height Chart dari Fisher Price. Request bulan Julai kalau tak silap..sekarang baru dapat. Anyway, terima kasih Fisher Price..!


MommyAngel said...

How's the MP pant value, tell us your opinion after you have try ya :)

Sha@Mama TinaAzra said...

Haven't use yet la Caroline..later I will post on my blog ya.MP packing always attractive la..so I am attracted..hehehe..

Normally, MP are the best kan..so no worry. But I will let you know later ya!

Sarah's Daddy and Mommy said...

So many nice shoes for Tina. She is so lucky.
So all fit into her feet?

Sha@Mama TinaAzra said...

Not all..the brown one I have courier it to my niece at perak coz its too big for Tina. The blue one and boylike shoes yes..fit nicely..

Sarah's Daddy and Mommy said...

I see...
but not bad ya, you have the courage to order shoes from online, for me, I always scared that the shoes doesnt fit into Sarah's feet. So end up tak jadi order.

Sha@Mama TinaAzra said...

Me too..prefer to see, touch and buy but I just trying out something new for me..and I think their shoes sizing its not so difficult to understand.

I print out the foot size and try it to Tina's feet..see which size probably can..

And its cheap..thats why I try..if expensive one..I pun fikir few times kot..

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