"Kadang-kadang ALLAH sembunyikan matahari, DIA datangkan hujan petir. Kita bersedih dan tertanya tanya ke mana hilangnya matahari, rupa-rupanya ALLAH nak hadiahkan kita pelangi yang indah. ALLAH berikan kita kesusahan dan rintangan sebab DIA nak berikan kesenangan sekiranya kita tabah dan terus berusaha..."


Monday, September 14, 2009

MOBS & Huiwearn Kids Store (HKS) Little Bookworm Contest

Does your little one love to read books?

Do you read to your babies or toddlers?

Tell us a little something about your Little Bookworm and his/her favourite book, to stand a chance to win great prizes!

Contest ends 1st October 2009.

To take part in this contest,please complete the following steps:

1) Be a follower of MOBS (http://malaysianonlinebabyshops.blogspot.com) &Little Red Reading Nook by HKS (http://littleredreadingnook.blogspot.com) - Done

2) Sign up for HKS store newsletter :a) Go to HKS (http://www.stores.ebay.com.my/Huiwearn-Kids-Store-Books-Toys-More)b) Click on “sign up for store newsletter” located on upper right cornerc) Just follow all the instructions there.d) Ebay will prompt you to log into your ebay account (if you have one) or if you are NEW to ebay, just click on the “register” buttone) Once registered/logged in, choose “General interest” and click on "Add to favourites" - Done

3) Copy and paste the contest banner/link in your blog. - Done


4) Blog about your little bookworm :

a) Name & Age

Nur Ain Qistina Binti Mohd Noor Hisham

22 Month

b) Include a photo of your little bookworm with his/her favourite book

Qistina with her favourite pop-up book

c) Favourite book title & short descriptionWhy is it your little bookworm’s favourite book?

Who is your little bookworm’s favourite character in the book and why? (if applicable)

My First Words

This is Qistina's favourite book because it was not an ordinary book, it is a pop-up book. Everytime she open the book, every character in the book will pop-up and stand for her. Bright and colourful things in the book make her happy and love to open it again and again. Besides, it contain not only animal, human character but also represent situation like 'in the jungle', i'n the farm', 'in a birthday party' and many more. I am glad that she love this book and I love to see her talking and mumbling everytime she study the book.

But we called her littlebookworm because she just simply love all the book that we bought for her ..

5) Once done, kindly leave a comment here

a) Name & ebay ID

Name :Nor'Aisah Binti Abdan

Ebay ID :sha_tina


Dilla Ady said...

Rajinnye akak masuk contest..

okeh gud luck ye tuk contst kali nih..

waa, cam best jek buku yg tina bace tuh..nk kena cari jugak le buku tuk sasha camtu..mesti die suke..

comey jek tina ngadap buku..

Sha@Mama TinaAzra said...

Thanks dilla...
Saja men'try' nasib..

Ini pop-up book tau..memang cantik..seronok nak bukak..Tina suka

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