"Kadang-kadang ALLAH sembunyikan matahari, DIA datangkan hujan petir. Kita bersedih dan tertanya tanya ke mana hilangnya matahari, rupa-rupanya ALLAH nak hadiahkan kita pelangi yang indah. ALLAH berikan kita kesusahan dan rintangan sebab DIA nak berikan kesenangan sekiranya kita tabah dan terus berusaha..."


Thursday, November 21, 2013

Appreciation & Farewell Party

Finally.. the last day for this whole 2 years of kindie journey
Its Appreciation Day 2013
21 November 2013

Parents, childrens, teachers & food :)

They all sang Auld Lang Syne song.. hukhuk.. sedih..

Unlucky there is no souvenir or evidence that she's a part of the students performance.. i thought that other branch do have..
Lucky me she didn't know anything about that..
tak apalah..
menyelit take part je..
They didn't even give any souvenir just like masa mama kindie dulu..
how sour is that..

Replacement class teacher, Teacher Venii
Former teacher is Teacher Chitra

Teacher Renuga Devi
She was her class teacher for J5 Blue

Teacher Azie

Play for the last time at kindie..

Above all..
Million thanks to all the teachers and staffs
Nuri Taman Universiti

My Ain is having her great days this 2 years here

Now her kindie journey is totally over

New journey will start very soon

You go girl!

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