"Kadang-kadang ALLAH sembunyikan matahari, DIA datangkan hujan petir. Kita bersedih dan tertanya tanya ke mana hilangnya matahari, rupa-rupanya ALLAH nak hadiahkan kita pelangi yang indah. ALLAH berikan kita kesusahan dan rintangan sebab DIA nak berikan kesenangan sekiranya kita tabah dan terus berusaha..."


Monday, August 25, 2008

Sample Drypantz Baru

Dapat sample Drypantz Baru dari SCA Consumers on 23/08/2008. Ada 3 keping drypantz kat dalamnya. Ceria betul warna packaging dia. Anyway, feedback form dia belum sempat nak isi lagi..


Anonymous said...

Hi Aisha,
Found ur blog from mamypoko forum. Nice blog u have ;)
Qistina looks very happy with her toys..

Btw, how do you register for free samples? I am expecting a baby girl on 9th Sept.. can't wait :D

Sha@Mama TinaAzra said...

how do I call you ya? Anyway happy pregnancy..I just call their toll free lines and request. Thats the simple and easy way. The one with website, you can join as member and request like huggies, mamypoko..browse to old topic in MP forum, many mommies discuss about it..many toll free lines, e-mail address and website can be visit for samples..good luck..

Sha@Mama TinaAzra said...

Mrsdjones,Thanks for visiting my blog..do revisit ya..

Anonymous said...

Hi Aisha, you can call me siti or nett(my nickname frm school).. I found the forum in MP very useful and been browsing for these past few weeks. I don't post anything yet coz I don't have much experience on most of the topic.. Thanks for your advice and I will definitely revisit ur blog :D

Sha@Mama TinaAzra said...

Hi siti..yes MP forum and club really full with information. Some more all mommies here very helpful.Hope you enjoy this sites k..

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